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A Farewell From Rube Vogel

Dear FitClub Family,

I am writing to all of you today to express my sincerest and deepest gratitude for allowing me to be your fitness coach/personal trainer. The past 8 months of working with all of you has changed my life in unimaginable ways. It was clear from the minute I stepped foot in the FitClub doors, that this was the correct gym for me to begin my fitness career. I was immediately met with kindness, determination, and most importantly patience from both members and coaches, while I learned and perfected my ability to lead clients on their fitness journey.

I am excited to announce that I will be embarking on the next chapter of my life and career, and will be moving to New York City! I will be moving there to further pursue my careers and passions in both the Real Estate and Fitness worlds. I am both humbled and grateful to have this opportunity to make this move. This was not a decision that I came to lightly, and I can honestly say that more than anything, leaving the FitClub family made this decision for me the hardest. 

I would like to take this time specifically to thank Matt, who took a chance on me, a newly licensed trainer, and turned me into a true fitness professional. This is a debt that I will never be able to repay. Matt spent hours with me teaching me how to both program for classes and personal training, and cater to each client specifically in order to provide the highest level of service to those I was coaching. If you have ever been impressed or enjoyed one of my classes or workouts, just know that it would have never been possible without Matt’s guidance and training.

I would also like to thank the other coaches for all the help I received as a new trainer. Every trainer at FitClub was always willing to take the time to answer any question I had (and there were a LOT lol), and always made me feel welcome inside of the gym. From late afternoons lifting with Will, to learning precise movements with McCabe, getting powerlifting tips from Rick (such as saying “BOOM” after every heavy lift), and learning tips and tricks on how to conduct successful workout classes from Lexi and Justin, all of these experiences have molded me into both the Personal Trainer and person I am today. I am forever grateful.

I will be back next week on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to say my goodbyes and hold my final sessions before the move. I will be teaching both of the classes on Sunday morning and I hope to see as many of you there as I can. If you are one of my clients/ or have been interested in training with me, please reach out and I will be happy to book a session with you!

As I embark on this next journey in life, my time at FitClub will always remain special in my heart. It has been my single greatest joy getting to know all of you and assist in leading you on your fitness journeys. Every day I entered FitClub I was inspired by every member and coaches’ passions for fitness and personal health, and in turn it pushed me to be the best version of myself on a daily basis. I undoubtedly learned more from all of you, than any of you could have ever learned from me, and for that I thank you.

Warmest Regards,

Rube Vogel

We Will Miss You Rube!


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